How a Classic Brand Lost Its Way in the Digital Age

Tupperware is a household name that evokes nostalgia and trust for many people. The plastic containers with the patented “burping seal” were invented by Earl Tupper in 1946 and became a symbol of modernity, convenience and quality. For decades, Tupperware parties were a popular way of socializing and selling the products through word-of-mouth and personal demonstrations.

But times have changed, and Tupperware has failed to keep up with them. The company is facing a bleak future, as it recently warned that it could go bust unless it can raise emergency funds. What went wrong for this iconic brand? How did it lose its relevance and appeal in the digital age?

The first reason is the fierce competition that Tupperware faces from other brands that offer similar or better products at lower prices. These brands have also invested in innovation and design, creating products that are more durable, versatile, eco-friendly and attractive than Tupperware’s outdated offerings.

For example, IKEA offers a range of food storage containers that are made from recycled plastic and can be stacked neatly to save space. Rubbermaid has developed containers that are leak-proof, stain-resistant and microwave-safe. Pyrex has introduced glass containers that are oven-safe, freezer-safe and dishwasher-safe. Lock & Lock has created containers that have four-sided locking lids that prevent spills and keep food fresh longer.

Moreover, these brands have a wider distribution network and online presence, making them more accessible and convenient for customers. They are available in supermarkets, department stores, online retailers and their own websites. Tupperware, on the other hand, still relies on its direct selling model that limits its reach and exposure.

Another factor that has contributed to Tupperware’s decline is its outdated business model that relies heavily on direct selling through independent consultants who host parties and recruit new members. This model worked well in the past, when women had fewer opportunities for work and socialization outside the home.

But today, women have more choices and less time for attending or hosting parties. They also have more sources of information and reviews online, reducing the need for personal recommendations and demonstrations.

Furthermore, Tupperware’s image as a conservative and traditional brand does not resonate with younger and more diverse customers who value individuality and creativity. According to a survey by YouGov, only 19% of millennials in the US have a positive opinion of Tupperware, compared to 49% of baby boomers.

Tupperware has tried to appeal to younger customers by launching new products such as water bottles, lunch boxes and coffee mugs, but these efforts have not been enough to reverse the trend.

The third reason why Tupperware is doomed is its poor communication with its customers and consultants in the digital age. The company has a weak online presence, with a poorly designed website that does not showcase its products or offer easy ordering options. It also has a low engagement on social media platforms, where it does not post frequently or interact with its followers.

It does not leverage the power of influencers, bloggers or celebrities to promote its brand or products. It does not offer any loyalty programs, discounts or incentives to retain or attract customers.

It does not provide adequate training, support or recognition to its consultants, who are often frustrated by the lack of communication and transparency from the company. According to figures from 2018, 94% of distributors were on the bottom of the “pyramid” earning only an annual gross average of $653. Many consultants have quit or switched to other direct selling companies that offer better compensation and opportunities.

These are some of the factors that have led to Tupperware’s demise. The company has failed to adapt to the changing needs, preferences and expectations of its customers and consultants in the digital age. It has lost its competitive edge, its cultural relevance and its communication skills. It has become a relic of the past that has no place in the future.

Tupperware is doomed unless it can reinvent itself radically and urgently. But given its history of inertia and complacency, that seems unlikely to happen. The company is facing a sad end for a once-great brand that revolutionized food storage and preparation.

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